Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Kids, Gas & Cars

Know what...............?
You know what I would like to do? (I have't even told Delilah about this) I would like to get rid of our car and van and replace them with hybrids. I already know what I want to replace them with. I was thinking about the Saturn VUE or the Ford Escape. They offer a little more room than a sedan which we need since we have 2 kids and are "trying", "practicing", "not stopping", "using the prayer method", or whatever you would like to call it for a 3rd child.
The downside about replacing the vehicles is that the new vehicles would cost around 45k. That's a lot of change for our shallow pockets and since we don't own a house I don't think this would be the best way to spend our money. Maybe we could start with the van, it IS a gas guzzler.
I hope you are all enjoying a walk back in time with my journalings about Guatemala. I went on a missions trip to Guatemala the summer after graduating from high school. I found this journal when we were moving and thought it would be something of interest to hopefully a few people out there in blog world.
On to other subjects......
The family and I went Geocaching on Sunday. It was great. I hadn't been able to go for a long time. I've got the itch to go again. I'm planning to do a whole day of geocaching later this month. I just need to find a baby sitter for Elise, it's a little difficult at this point to have her go. Jude loves it. He always says "are we going caching?"


Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

I know that there are plenty of caches down here!

jestjuggle said...

A full day of geocaching is good for the soul. Hope you get your day soon.

Mike and Barb
At Jestcaching

Stephanie Appleton said...

I would love to get hybrids too. I don't think there are any big enough yet for our "family" vehicle, but it would really make sense for Tim as much as he drives! Yet we have no budget for it either. Well at least there will be more used ones out there by the time we are ready to buy!

delilah said...

Hybrid Smybrid...I want a diesel that runs on french fry oil. It won't cost 45K and I have been trying to get you to do this since we met. Are you afraid to step out? Afraid to be the first? Just think...free gas. Some places will PAY YOU to take the old oil for them!
