Monday, January 23, 2006

Your Idea of the Church

This post requires interaction from the blog readers. Your assignment is to leave a comment about your experience(s) with church. They can be positive or negative. Take some time to and leave a comment. Please do not leave the church name when leaving a comment. If you don't want to leave your name with your comment, feel free to leave it as an anonymous comment.

Thanks all.


Anonymous said...

Went to church when i was little. Then didn't believe in God after a death in the family. Then started going again, met tooooooo many hipocrits. Stoped going. Then during my wedding ceramony at my husbands family church the pastor said that we were already entering into a flawed marriage because we had a son together already. Now I go mostly on Christmas but choose to view God by myself .

Anonymous said...

In my experience church at its worst was a big social club. People were there to network and impress. With this came a lot of "show" and self righteousness.

At its best church was a place to be real about the good, the bad and receive healing and love.

But even at its best I am not sure it was what it could/should be. I think we have made church too much about the Sunday morning "show", programs and formulas. there is too much emphasis on the pastor and the leaders.

Church should be more of a community. We are equals in Christ. We should be sharing what Christ is showing us in our everyday lives in a real way. Helping each through the good and the bad and always pointing to Christ.

Ok long comment, but you asked!

Anonymous said...

I could say a million things about growing up in church--good and bad..but I choose to tell you the wonderful.
I attend an incredible where you walk in and immediately feel like part of the family; one where you can spend time learning about God, worshiping Him, and just sharing His love. Most importantly, we are very active in the community--helping out whenever we can!! Its amazing!

delilah said...

Well, I have said a lot about the subject on my blog but I will tell you two bad experiences I have had (other than to porn one) and then a good one. When I was in High School I sat in a church and the Pastor actually used the word Faggot. Another time(at a different church), I had this little boy who I was taking care of(because his parents were dead beats) with me at a church. This lady asked me if I was married and looked at the boy at the same time. I was not. She never talked to me again.

Not all churches are like that those were just two bad experiences. I have had lots of good ones but you know that because I told you so on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever had a bad experience at church, I usually "get out of it" "what I put into it". After lots of years just going because it was the right thing to do, I finally started seriously reading and studying the Bible for myself. I feel God gave me more insight into His word because I was seeking His will for my life. He opened my eyes to things that only He could do. Before I completed reading the Bible through, my life changed, or I should say "my heart" changed, and I've never been the same since. If you knew me you probably couldn't tell any difference, however, I can.. I've came to know God in a whole different way. I have peace that could only come from God. Now it's a JOY to have the privilege to go to church. The Church doesn't need me near as much as I need it.

delilah said...

Well, I just reread my comment and I messed it all up. I meant to tell you one good experience but by the end it wasn't coming out smooth enough. So, I want to say this, church is what you make of it. It isn't a place to be judged or ridiculed. If a church is doing that they aren't living out God's will. I am happy to have a Church family and a place to worship and learn. If you have had a bad experience in church I recommmend trying a new church.

Anonymous said...

All in all I have very positive church experience. I went to a church affiliated high school and both the church and the school were really neat to attend.

I have done most of my growth in my cuurent church. It's a "seeker sensitive" church and I love the heart of the pastor and the congregation!!


Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

yeah I some things to say about church but I could fit it all here. Look me

amyd76 said...

My own church experiences have been both negative and positive. I grew up in the church...both Baptist and Catholic. My mom is Baptist and my dad is Catholic...and still married...go figure. Anyway, growing up, I mainly attended the Baptist church because it had great things for children and youth. Some of my very best memories are from youth trips. We went on mission trips every summer to various places, singing and also doing things for the communities we were in. We went to clean up and rebuild after hurricanes Hugo and Andrew, worked in soup kitchens, ran a bible school for underprivaleged kids, etc...I loved those trips. I think they really helped me grow as a person and helped form the person I am today. Those were great experiences. I was always intrigued by the Catholic church though. I still am. I have found, over the years, that the Catholic church seems to be more accepting, less judgemental, of all kinds of people than the Baptist one. I really don't know if it is because of the type of church or the type of people. That's just been my experience. The point where I got turned off by church was when my pastor had an affair with one of the women in the church. It was a huge fiasco. The church split 3 ways. I do attend the church my mom joined after the split now, but have never transferred my membership. I don't think I'm ready to settle down with this church. They seem very nice, and the pastor is great, but I just don't feel comfortable there really. We'll see what happens. Sorry for posting such a long comment. Amy

Anonymous said...

Heavy question. I have had the good fortune of having a wide variety of church experiences and I understand why it is said the the church is the number one cause of atheism; it is where they kill the wounded. Too often it is where people go to show how good they are. I even had the experience of being told that my son in law didn't belong in a certain church we were attending (after all this was a church where the community leaders go) Do I sound bitter? I could be and have fought it but we must remember that we (believers) are the church and it is up to us to allow Christ to do His work through us. Although the Roman government did everything in their power to stop the church, they could not. Why? If you study history, you will see that the believers were totally sold out for Jesus (Jesus freaks); They loved God with all their hearts and loved each other. If we did that: wow!!!!!!!!! Seek the Lord; he will let you know his will. By the way, the little church we go to is heading the right direction!