Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's Time to Get Real

This is an introductory post for what is to come in the next several weeks. I am not sure how many posts will be included altogether. Feedback and comments, as always, are welcomed and appreciated. I have contemplated several different issues which I believe Christians at some point face during their life-time. It is time for my views to get out into the world.

Unfortunately in the United States Christians tend to be viewed through two types of microscopes. The first microscope, being if you are a Christian then you must be religious. I hate the term religious, it implies following a set of rules, which is not what Christianity is about. A long with this view, most people tend to think that if you are a Christian then you must also be some type of religious fanatic, you must, it is assumed, have a extreme right wing view of life.

I would like to quickly give an example of one such group that is religiously fanatic and maybe even borderline terrorist. This group comes from Topeka, Kansas and is called the Westboro Baptist Church. The church web page address is www.godhatesfags.com Yes you read that correctly-- God Hates Fags. I'm here to tell you God does NOT hate fags, he actually loves them. I will be discussing more on this topic in another post.

The hyprocrosy of a Christian is the second microscope which we are viewed through. In many ways this is true. And this is where Christians are coming up short in their faith. Many people go to church. Many people call themselves Christians. Non-Christians see how how Christians act in everyday life settings. Honestly many Christians don't act much differently from their counter-parts. Now, I'm not saying if you are a Christian you have to be perfect. Being perfect is impossible. In fact, there is only one person I know that is perfect, that person is Jesus Christ. What I am trying to convey here is the fact of being real. There will be more posts on this very topic of being real.

I know I am not perfect. I don't pretend to try to be perfect. I have made mistakes in my past and currently make mistakes today and I will in the future. These mistakes I make are called sin. No one likes to hear the "s" word. Yes, I have sinned. I have sinned sexually, at a very young age. I still have consequences from the sin I committed in sixth grade. The sin I am talking about is pornography. Yes, I watched a porn in the sixth grade. Watching this warped my view point of the opposite sex. I began seeing girls in a sexual way rather than a holy way. This view didn't start forming until my high school years, but the foundation for it was set in the sixth grade. I am not addicted to porn, but I probably could come addicted to it easily if I let myself. To this day I don't want to watch anything that has sex scenes in them. Unfortunately sex seems to every where. Even in commercials. Delilah and I went to watch Cold Mountain in the movie theater. It was a great movie until the sex scene, I mean porn scene, because that is what it really was. The sex scene ruined the whole movie for me. I will not watch it again, no desire to, the movie has been ruined for me.

Now you might be asking, "Why in the world is Jake writing this stuff?" I want to be real. There will be more to come future installments.


Anonymous said...

Horray for you Jake, I love reading your blog. I'm very proud of you and Delilah.

Anonymous said...

hurray!! It's been a long time since I had Eng. 101..

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

I like that you're throwing this right out into the open. I have more on my posting later...http://timappleton@blogspot.com....

Anonymous said...

Deep! Keep up the good stuff!


delilah said...

And you thought Jake was quiet...I am finally rubbing off on him.

Anonymous said...

Jake - I like what you're saying - I love the movie "Cold Mountain" - but the sex scene was way out of place. And you are right about the way the world views Christians - as hypocrites. But we've brought a lot of that on ourselves. Condeming others for what they do but secretly doing alot of the same things. Jim Barna (not sure the spelling of the last name is right) does commentaries on Christianity etc and per his reports there isn't much difference in the way non-Christians live (sex, divorce, etc) than those who claim to be Christian. We're called to a higher standard - we need to let the world see that.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I also strive daily to be mindful of keeping a holy view of the opposite sex and not to let society warp my mind with what the media says mens view of women should be.